How to Fix Your Dating Rut Now!

Not having any luck with online dating? You are not alone. In a Wall St. Journal, December 29,2015, article, “A Better Love Life in 2016,” experts offer their tips for the most common questions from readers. The relationship expert, Dr. Ish Major, recommends: Go to places that interest you so you can find people who share your interests Make eye contact and smile. Look presentable. Develop hobbies and then go to events to meet … [Read more...]

3 Things to Do if Colleges Reject You

Colleges Rejected You? Learn Top Tips of Intuitive Parents and Students—and Get Accepted! Got rejected or wait-listed by your college or grad school? I got rejected in my senior year in high school by all the colleges I applied to! And, later, I got rejected on my first attempts at applying to graduate programs. And guess what? I graduated from prestigious colleges and graduate schools! You don’t need a degree in college navigation. … [Read more...]

Want to conquer being afraid of change? Here are some tips to help you manage your fears!

Do you want to conquer being afraid of change? Do you have anxiety about doing new things? Do you sometimes experience resistance to change--even if you know that change is the right thing to do? Making changes is always difficult. You feel anxious and embarrassed to look foolish. Here are some tips to help you learn to feel comfortable being uncomfortable. You can conquer your fears. Sometimes you just have to feel the fear! Sign up on the … [Read more...]

5 Ways To Build Your Confidence

Sometimes we wonder if confident people are born or made. Hmmm… Research shows that nature contributes at least fifty percent to this characteristic. But don’t despair. You can nurture confidence! This article provides tips to boost your confidence. But, first, I want you to explore your thoughts and behavior. In the statements below, select the answer that best describes you. This exercise is not a quiz, and it doesn’t give you a score. … [Read more...]