LeslieBeth (LB) Wish giving a TEDx Wilmington talk: “You Can’t Always Trust Your Gut When It Comes to Dating and Mating.” Click here to watch the video.
Hi! Thank you for visiting my site. And thank yourself for getting emotionally brave enough to take steps to trust your intuition so you can make wise decisions in love, life, and work. For most of us, procrastinating, fearing change, and not trusting our intuitive judgment are the biggest obstacles to taking that first step.
Perhaps you are asking yourself:
- Is my partner right for me? How do I know if and when to break up?
- How can I really trust my judgment?
- Why can’t I make lasting changes in my life so I can be happy? What gets in my way?
If any of these questions are on your mind, then you’ve come to the right place. My education and advanced training gave me an outstanding foundation. But it is my personal experiences, abilities, and heart that truly allow me to be the best person and professional.
One of those abilities is the gift of intuition. Ever since I was about five years old, I realized that I could read people and was intuitive. Of course, at that age, I didn’t explain it to myself in those words, but I knew that “I knew people.”
An even better gift was my parents’ hiring Daisy to live in our home and raise me. Little did my parents know that Daisy—a young woman with only an eighth-grade education—was wise and intuitive, too. You can learn more about me and Daisy on my About Page.
So, you can imagine my joy when a radio host asked me: “If you could give just one tip that will help our listeners find happiness in love and work, what would you say?” My instant reply was: “Train your Love and Life Intuition.”
I hope my articles, videos, and books can help you get brave and intuitive so you can:
- Forgive your missteps, manage your disappointment– and learn from them
- Overcome your obstacles to change
- “Play it forward” to find solutions rather than “play history” where you look backward and blame you and others
- Learn never to volunteer to close a door on an opportunity for personal growth
- Believe and act as though you deserve laughter, purpose, joy, and happiness!
Perhaps you are still wondering: Why should I listen to Dr. LeslieBeth (LB) Wish? I hope my short list below gives you reassurance:
- You can trust my advice because it comes from decades of professional experience and research with more than 12,000 people!
- I have tested and revised my solutions to make sure they work.
- I “walk the walk” and use what I’ve learned from you and me so that I can speak from wisdom.
- I am now retired from being a licensed mental health professional. However the advise on my website can still help you. I have a master degree, a doctoral degree, and extensive post-graduate training in family, marriage, and couples therapy from the esteemed Dr. Murray Bowen.
- I am frequently contacted to provide advice for many major websites and radio shows.
- I have lived a life of caring and giving to others.
If this visit is the first to my site, I invite you to sign up on the right hand column so you can receive the virtual books below.
Thank you for stopping by! I wish you the best you! even though I am now retired for being a therapist, the advise on my site can still help you. I am now pursuing a career in writing novels. Remember:
Even if your past was not happy, it doesn’t have to mean that you can’t find happiness!