LeslieBeth (LB) Wish TEDx 2018


I’m so glad you stopped by to learn from my most effective “tried-revised-and tested” ways to help you train your love intuition so you can make wise love choices.

I learned from hundreds and hundreds of my clients and research participants that even though their intuition may be strong—it can also be wrong! Oh no!

So, you might now be wondering:  “What gets in the way of my intuition being accurate?”

I created this page so you can learn from the videos, tips, and blogs how to know when your intuition is fooling you so you can build one of your most valuable dating and mating abilities: trusting your intuitive judgment.

Please enjoy learning some key love tips from this TEDx Wilmington video that I was honored to give in Wilmington, Delaware, in May 2018.


I love helping others learn about making wise choices in their intimate relationships. All my tested–and retested–tips come from my research with many, many women and couples. I hope these brief videos tips address some of your concerns about dating, mating, and relating, as well as grief, loneliness, and recreating your life.

Oh–and some of them refer to workshops or programs because they were useful during my research. Watch, enjoy and learn!

Reading People:  Reading People Accurately

Reading people requires that you master the ability to detect the important things that your date or partner says or does–including those nonverbal signs. This brief video is a starting point for detecting important signs in you–such as changing your dating goal from finding The One to Reading People.


Dating:  The Importance of Liking YOU in the Relationship

Do you respect the ‘You-Who-Is-You” in your relationship? If you don’t like what you’ve become, then you just might want to take a better look at the healthiness of your choice of partner. This brief video gives you some advice.


Relating:  Tips about Relating Better with Your Partner

Great–you just might have found a good partner! But that doesn’t mean that you are done with your love homework. To sustain mutual happiness you also need to learn smart relating tips in this brief video.


Relationship Signs:  Signs of a Good Relationship

No relationship is perfect, of course, because no human is perfect. This short video shows you one of the positive signs of a good relationship: Be a TEAM!


Breaking Up:  Breakup Tips

Breakups are not necessarily a bad thing to do. In fact, it could be a very wise thing to do. In this brief video you will learn the importance of stopping to learn before you go ahead with your breakup.


Widowhood: Tips for Widows

Widowhood is a major life challenge. And often family and friends give you advice–especially about love. This brief video reminds you that the rest of your life is YOUR life–and that means making all kinds of decisions, including whether to date.



If you want to learn other tips and advice about love, life, work, and happiness, please visit my Blog Page.

I tend to write about things that bother me–and that I’ve learned are important to people. And I especially feel “a call to write” a blog when a current situation bothers me.

For example, I wrote a blog about the sexual abuse of the U.S. women gymnasts. And I wrote another about a “Dateline” episode where a woman struggled to see finally that her husband was an abusive liar. If you find a topic you would like me to address, please send me an email to drlesliebethwish48@gmail.com, and write in the subject area: BLOG REQUEST. I can’t write about all of them, of course, but I appreciate any ideas that you think will be useful to others.

In case you are wondering: Who is LeslieBeth (LB) Wish? Here is what I think are the most important things to know about me:

1. I’ve been a licensed psychotherapist for decades. I have two undergraduate degrees, two master’s degrees, a doctoral degree, and three years advanced training in marriage, relationships, and family.

2. I’ve counseled thousands of people. I’ve always been especially drawn to issues that I need to understand better. And if I don’t believe that I have enough understanding or solutions for my clients, I do research so you can trust my advice.

3. I can help you answer your relationship questions such as:

  • How do I know if my partner is good for me?
  • What are the signs of a healthy relationship?
  • How do I know for sure that I should break up?
  • How do I risk falling in love again after a bad relationship? Or after being widowed?

4. I’ve learned from my research participants that to be happy in love, you have to be emotionally brave enough to:

  • Face and forgive yourself
  • Feel your fear—but keep going
  • Flourish as your best self
  • Fine-tune your intuition so you can rely on it to be accurate.

If you would like to learn more about me, please go to my Home Page and my About Page.  Thank you again for stopping by.  And thank yourself for already being emotionally brave enough to take more steps to be your best YOU!


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Thank you!

Most Warmly, LB (Everyone calls me LB)