Didn’t Get Accepted into Your College Choices? Here’s a Secret, Legal Way

I graduated from an “okay-enough” high school—not bad, but without the kind of ranking that impresses college admission committees. I was a serious student with great grades and serious aspirations despite a most disruptive learning disability.  Spend half a day with me and watch how I mix up left and right. Balance a checkbook? Forget about it.  I often see the number 3 as number 8, and number 5 as number 6. And I can turn the plus sign … [Read more...]

Your Intuitive Guide To Growing “Grit” For Success

Sometimes the road ahead looks long and bleak. Choices seem to fade into just a few shades. You want to give up your dream—it feels stupid, really, to you. Experts might say you need more “grit.” But what is it, you wonder, where did it come from—and how do I get it? The term grit probably came from the military to indicate “what it takes” to get the job done regardless of the odds. The word grit is often used to mean “perseverance.” But that … [Read more...]

Your Intuitive Guide To Success

Ever wonder why some people are more successful than others? Do you explain it away by believing that luck and high profile family connections are the key factors? Well, yes, these two reasons certainly can’t hurt—but then how do you explain why people without these advantages also succeed?  If you do an Internet search for books and articles about success, you could feel so overwhelmed that you end up not taking any action at all. Sound … [Read more...]

Shhhh! Top Secrets to Using Stress to Improve Performance

If you are like most people, you might be anxious about conducting a workshop giving a presentation in a meeting or speaking in public to a large group. No matter how well you know the material, your mind goes blank, your fingers and arms feel cold as more blood is sent to your brain, and you shiver as a result. Yet, at the same time, your palms are clammy and your brow feels damp. And, again, if you are like most people, you say in silence … [Read more...]

3 Things to Do if Colleges Reject You

Colleges Rejected You? Learn Top Tips of Intuitive Parents and Students—and Get Accepted! Got rejected or wait-listed by your college or grad school? I got rejected in my senior year in high school by all the colleges I applied to! And, later, I got rejected on my first attempts at applying to graduate programs. And guess what? I graduated from prestigious colleges and graduate schools! You don’t need a degree in college navigation. … [Read more...]