How to Make (And Keep!) Smart New Year’s Dating Resolutions

Yes—it is that time of year again when we vow to make important changes in our lives. I cheer for you—even if making New Year’s resolutions may not be the only—or necessarily the best—time to make them. Why? The New Year is one of those emotionally powerful dates that can motivate us. But it can also demotivate us. Here are the top reasons that our New Year’s resolutions don’t tend to hold up for very long. As you read them, jot down the ideas … [Read more...]

Your Intuitive Guide To Growing “Grit” For Success

Sometimes the road ahead looks long and bleak. Choices seem to fade into just a few shades. You want to give up your dream—it feels stupid, really, to you. Experts might say you need more “grit.” But what is it, you wonder, where did it come from—and how do I get it? The term grit probably came from the military to indicate “what it takes” to get the job done regardless of the odds. The word grit is often used to mean “perseverance.” But that … [Read more...]

Why You Should Stop Thinking That “Being Nice” in a Relationship Is a Weakness

Being nice has gotten a bad rap in relationships. Many of the women in my study said they feared that being nice made them look weak, too pliable and disrespected. First, let’s look at the benefits for you individually and for you and your intimate partner. Hopefully, when you read the list below, you will change your thinking about being nice from being weak to being caring and savvy.Speak up—yes! But it is both what you say and how you say … [Read more...]

Your Intuitive Guide To Healthy Friendships

Do you have close friends? Or, do you tend to surround yourself with “friendlies?” Social research continues to show that having a few close friends reduces stress and depression, boosts your immune system, and increases happiness and productivity. But what do you do if your close friends don’t turn out to be supportive and caring? Many social researchers have long known the negative effect of isolation on health, but new research … [Read more...]

Your Intuitive Guide To Benefiting From Your Mistakes

Successful people make lots of mistakes! The American inventor Thomas Edison is famous not just for inventing the light bulb, but also for going down thousands of wrong roads and taking countless wrong turns until he found the right path for inventing a light bulb that would glow a long time. And, just as important, he began each new approach with excitement, but also fear and doubt. Okay—you are not an inventor. But—wait—yes you are: You … [Read more...]