The Aftermath of Ending Bad Relationships: Triumphing over the Emotional Hurt

Part 5 of a Series about Bad Relationships. Getting out of a bad relationship is difficult enough, but this act is just the beginning of journey to your best self.  There is life after the emotional hurts from break ups, yet many people take the wrong path in their recovery and fresh start.  Here is a guide of the top recommendations to help you use this next step wisely. 1. Expect ups and downs. Even if you feel relief from getting out of … [Read more...]

Bad Relationships: The Blurry Area of “Should I Leave?”

Part 4 of a Series about Bad Relationships. I once thought it was a joke that the cartoon character Dagwood would forget his wife Blondie’s birthday or anniversary. How could that be? And why would Blondie stay after such a slight? Well, I’m a bit wiser now. I’m sorry to tell you that these emotional transgressions happen in even the most loving couples. The hurt person’s reactions can range from “Oh that’s just so typical of Dagwood. But … [Read more...]

How to Leave a Bad Relationship

Part 3 of a Series about Bad Relationships In my workshops for career-oriented women who are smart about work but not love, one of the questions that comes up often is how and when to leave a bad relationship. Of course, there are no set answers for all situations, but here are the top tips that helped the women the most who participated in my research about women’s issues in love, life and work. 1. Protect your safety. … [Read more...]

Bad Relationship Quotes

Part 2 of a Series about Bad Relationships Most of us have had disagreements and bad moments, months—and even years--with our partner or spouse. Unfortunately, being in love also means a greater chance that you will feel emotionally hurt. Why is that? The basic answer is that the more you commit emotionally to a relationship, the more your Emotional Default Defenses also increase against your fears of being abandoned and unloved. These … [Read more...]

Signs of a Bad Relationship

Part 1 of a Series about Bad Relationships Doesn't this couple look happy? Isn't the automatic joyfulness and teamwork exactly what most men and women want in love? But why does finding the right person and forging a happy team seem so difficult? I wanted to know the answers to those questions, too. So, several years ago, I started conducting research about why today’s successful, career-minded women were often smart about work but not love. … [Read more...]